A Sanctuary For Natural Health-Minded Families

Not in Idaho? Check out our COURSE offerings to educate and empower you. You’ll find laboratory TEST options and supplement PROTOCOLS.


Pediatric Care

Well Child Visits

Regular, proactive monitoring of your child's growth and developmental milestones. Visits are 45 min and filled with education and ample time to answer your questions.

Acute Illness Visits

Responsive care for unexpected illnesses, ensuring quick and effective treatment. Offering natural medicine and pharmaceutical interventions when necessary.

Vaccine Consultations

Personalized discussions about immunizations to address all your concerns and ensure informed decisions. We welcome any and all philosophies and are here to provide education.

Immune Support

Using natural medicine effectively to create resiliency and remove any barriers to health. Natural medicines are best utilized right away and we want you to have the resources to support your kids’ health from home when possible.

Fertility Support

Laboratory Testing

Comprehensive lab assessments for male and female fertility factors to reveal potential obstacles to fertility and guide treatment plans.

Nutritional Evaluation

Detailed analysis of dietary habits, with nutrition advice aimed at repleting nutrients and optimizing fertility.

Targeted Detoxification

Using natural therapies to support the body’s detoxification pathways and open the emunctories to effectively eliminate waste.

Lifestyle Intervention

Constructive guidance on lifestyle modifications to enhance fertility, factoring in environmental exposures, stress management, sleep patterns, and exercise routines.

Prenatal Care

Integrative Care Team

Working with your prenatal healthcare provider to offer you a greater level of education and empowerment. Naturopathic Medicine does not include obstetrics in the state of Idaho which means you must have another provider (OBGYN, MD, DO, NP, or midwife).

Naturopathic Prenatal Care

Holistic prenatal care that recognizes your belief system, respects your goals, and supports the natural process of pregnancy.

Pregnancy-Safe Botanical Medicine

Use of plant-based remedies carefully chosen for their safety and efficacy during pregnancy to treat illness and pregnancy-related symptoms.

Nutrition & Lifestyle Recommendations

Providing accurate information and effective recommendations to help you achieve a vibrant pregnancy and support your growing baby.

Natural Childbirth Education

Building a Birth Team

What to ask and how to find your ideal provider to facilitate a safe and trusted doctor-patient relationship and attain the best birth experience.

Integrative Medical Education

Explaining all the options and approaches to birth so you can make informed decisions and create a birth plan that reflects your goals. Discussions about home birth and hospital birth options and interventions.

Understanding Birth

Empowering education about the stages of labor and the physiology of birth to help you trust your body and feel prepared for your birth.

Birth Partner

Resources and recommendations for the birth partner to facilitate a connected, helpful, and realistic experience.

Postpartum Care

Home Visits

Personalized care in the comfort of your own home during the postpartum period. Especially helpful for the first few months so you can rest and recover after birth.

Lactation Support

Guidance and assistance with breastfeeding to ensure a successful nursing experience. Helping you manage baby’s latch, mastitis, oversupply, tongue tie, formula supplementation, or any other feeding issues that arise.

Sleep Counseling

Strategies to manage natural infant sleep patterns, promoting secure attachment and optimizing sleep for mom and baby. Discuss safe sleep set ups, avoid sleep training, and remove the anxiety around sleep.

Breastfeeding-safe Therapies

Safe, plant-based remedies that support health without interrupting breastfeeding.

Effective use of homeopathy, hydrotherapy, and lifestyle treatments.

Mental Health Support

Mental health monitoring and resources to navigate the hormonal and physiological changes and challenges that new parents face. Multiple visits in the immediate postpartum window can help identify and validate an array of common postpartum mental health concerns that often go untreated, affecting our parenting journey.

Hormone Balance

Extensive Laboratory Evaluation

Thorough functional medicine testing to discern your unique hormone profile and identify any imbalances.

Herbal & Nutritional Supplements

Personalized recommendations of natural remedies to support hormonal equilibrium and optimize your vibrancy and vitality.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Using evidence-based hormone therapy to treat menopausal symptoms and restore optimal hormone balance, when needed. HRT can be personalized and adjusted over time to help you manage your symptoms and feel your best.

Education for Empowerment

Giving you the knowledge essential for understanding and managing your hormonal health, empowering you to make informed wellness decisions throughout life.